Am 01.04.2011 um 12:15 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:
Am 01.04.2011 um 11:36 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
It does also work when you switch to the “times” typeface *before* \starttext and change the size *after* \starttext: ...
\setupbodyfont[times] ... \starttext ... \setupbodyfont[10.5pt]
An interesting distinction!
Only, where is the corresponding point in context's project(-product/component)- structure? Probably not in included environment files.
Maybe in the project file? Like this:
\startproject MyProject
% Here ?
\product MyProduct
% Or here ?
As you process only the product or component the project file is wrong. When you process the product \startproduct is your \starttext and when you process only a single component \startcomponent is your \starttext. Wolfgang