Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Question: what tinkering with metapost parameters is done in \startMPgraphic exactly? (I could not find out readily from the ConTeXt sources) Which of these can be removed without danger for its operation, leaving settings in \startMPinclusions unchanged -- and will that be done?
Hans will probably answer you better, but in http://source.contextgarden.net/metafun.mp there are files with metafun macros included which may set their own colors. See those files.
I doubt that any definitions can be removed without breaking anything (otherwise they wouldn't be there), but I agree that MPinclusions could/should be included AFTER metafun macros if they're not (I didn't check).
(1) metafun is a format and will be loaded first (2) inclusion scome after loading the format (3) context only sets a bunch of variables which tell metafun certain things i'm not sure what you mean with tinkering what parameters give you problems? concerning backgrounds and plain.mf ... metafont has bacckgrounds, metapost doesn't ; in mp the background is used for unfilling if you want to set the background / add own stuff you can probably best append the relevant settings / definitions to the extra_beginfig string (grep for that one) Hans