On Sat, 2 Feb 2013, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Sat, 2 Feb 2013, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
The references/hyperlinks for floats don’t work when the float number is disabled because the necessary attribute for link isn’t set then.
I would call this behavior a bug. After all, hyperlinks work correctly for unnumbered heads (\subject etc.)
\starttext \subject[sub:one]{A subject} \startplacefigure [ reference=fig:cow.pdf, title={Figure A}, location={here,nonumber}, ] \externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=.5\textwidth] \stopplacefigure
In \about[fig:cow.pdf], the hyperlink is not working In \about[sub:one], the hyperlink is working \stoptext
A workaround (using a horrible hack): \defineconversion[gobble][\gobbleoneargument] \setupcaption[figure][numberconversion=gobble] \setuplabeltext[figure=] \startplacefigure [ ... location={here}, ...] % Do not add nonumber to location @Alan, if you need to disable numbering for a few figures, but want hyperlinks to work, you'll need to define a new float environment for those figures (and set the numberconversion and labeltext for that enironment). Aditya