You can use different alignment settings to move the bullet points to the right side of your lists.
Thank you Wolfgang, this is exactly what I need. One more question: I am typesetting those questions in lua, because lua vectors were more convenient for reading the whole but I am not sure how should I pass the righttoleft option. I read the cld manual and my guess is I should use function() but looks like I lack some understanding of context proceeding. This is what I did so far \startluacode userdata = userdata or {} function ListeAleatoireGauche(t) context.startitemize {"8","packed","random"} for k=1,#t do context.startitem() context.lefttoright(t[k]) context.stopitem() end context.stopitemize() end function ListeAleatoireDroite(t) context.startitemize {"8","packed","random"} for k=1,#t do context.startitem() context(t[k]) context.stopitem() end context.stopitemize() end function QCMAssociatif(t,u) context.startxtable {"frame=no","columndistance=3cm"} context.startxrow() context.startxcell() ListeAleatoireGauche(t) context.stopxcell() context.startxcell() ListeAleatoireDroite(u) context.stopxcell() context.stopxrow() context.stopxtable() end \stopluacode \starttext \startluacode Author = {"Nietzsche","God"} Quote = {"God is dead","Nietzsche is Dead"} QCMAssociatif (Author,Quote) \stoptext Damien Thiriet