Le 3 janv. 2021 à 19:21, Hans Hagen
a écrit : On 1/3/2021 7:12 PM, Jean-Philippe Rey wrote:
Dear List, I have used TikZ and pgfplots for a few years and I am considering switching to metapost/metafun which appears more efficient with LMTX. I have already designed several figures with metapost/metafun and some with the help of metaobj and I am fully satisfied with the result.
Alan rewrote graph in a more context way ... so, there is the m-grapph.mkiv module (I admit, not tested for a while).
Thank you Hans for pointing to this module. I took a look at m-graph.mkiv and wrote the following ====================================== \usemodule[graph] \starttext \startMPcode{graph} draw begingraph(150mm, 100mm); gdraw "test-mpgraph.txt"; endgraph; \stopMPcode \stoptext ====================================== which fails with "error: Improper type" (see attached log file). Maybe I don't understand how to use the graph module. -- Jean-Philippe Rey jean-philippe.rey@centralesupelec.fr mailto:jean-philippe.rey@centralesupelec.fr 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex - France Empreinte PGP : 807A 5B2C 69E4 D4B5 783A 428A 1B5E E83E 261B BF51