Am 18.01.2010 um 13:11 schrieb Hans Hagen:
the beta now has
\dorecurse {5} { \chapter{Test #1} first: \somestructureheadnumber[chapter][first]\par current: \somestructureheadnumber[chapter][current]\par last: \somestructureheadnumber[chapter][last] \dorecurse {3} { \section{Test #1} first: \somestructureheadnumber[section][first]\par current: \somestructureheadnumber[section][current]\par last: \somestructureheadnumber[section][last] } }
One more question appeared: How to access them in a Metapost environment? I tried some methods but none of them seems to work. % \setupMPvariables % [test] % [current={\somestructureheadnumber[chapter][current]}, % last={\somestructureheadnumber[chapter][last]}] \startuseMPgraphic{test} current := \somestructureheadnumber[chapter][current] ; last := \somestructureheadnumber[chapter][last] ; % current := 2 ; % last := 6 ; skip := TextHeight * (current-1)/last ; StartPage ; fill fullcircle scaled 3cm shifted (skip,skip) ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[test][\useMPgraphic{test}] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=test] \starttext \dorecurse{6}{\chapter{Kapitel #1} Kapitel \somestructureheadnumber[chapter][current] von \somestructureheadnumber[chapter][last] } \stoptext Thank you in advance Andreas