Hey there, I would like to place a list of bibliography according to types (article, book, in proceedings) in my document. Similar like here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/112874/sectioning-bibliography-by-type-with-multiple-types-per-section Sectioning bibliography by type (with multiple types per section) tex.stackexchange.com and here: https://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ntg.nl/msg77056.html The example provided by Hans doesn’t seem to properly work any more, and I cannot make the suggestion work of using two different datasets work as suggested in the same thread. So this is where I’m stuck: \definebtxdataset[main] \usebtxdataset[main][maindata.buffer] \definebtxdataset[images] \usebtxdataset[images][imagedata.buffer] \usebtxdefinitions[mycustom, aps] \setupbtx[dataset=main] \definebtxrendering[bibrendering][mycustom, aps][dataset=main] \definebtxrendering[bibimgrendering][mycustom, aps][dataset=images] \placelistofpublications[bibrendering] \placelistofpublications[bibimgrendering] It would be much appreciated if someone could provide a working example? Thank you very much Ben