Hi, when, in a french project, the line ends with e.g. l'int\'{e}r^{e}t then context doesn't hyphenate "l'interet" and the line gets stretched. (If I wouldn't have the l-apostroph construction then the word is hyphenated "in-teret", so its hyphenation is know to TeX.) But for I have a lot of this "l-apostroph" constructions at line endings in my document it is impossible to type individually \- at the best breaking points (here after "in-"). I need to have a global option that re-activates the hyphenation even if the word starts with l-apostroph. When I typeset the apostrophe like a slash: l|'|int\'{e}r^{e}t then the line gets broken, but after "l'" and I was told this is wrong in french. So what else could be done to automatically break int\'{e}r^{e}t again but *not* after l' ? Thank you for any help, Steffen