Am 16.11.2013 um 16:16 schrieb Bill Meahan
I have been trying for a very long time to generate an epub document via context without success.
I have followed the steps on the wiki to the letter, using the export-example file provided with the standalone distribution. A PDF generated from the file is exactly what I would expect from an example. The generated epub, however, is useless - all the text is jammed together into one continuous block with no formatting whatsoever.
Adobe Digital Editions 2.0 crashes trying to open it. Sumatra and Sigil get it open but the results are as described above. Obviously I am missing a step or doing something wrong but I cannot see what.
Context Standalone from a couple of days ago. Windows 7-64 (Home Premium) but I got the same results several months ago on a Linux system so I do not think it is OS-related.
When you use the export option context creates a xml file from your document. When you call not the epub script context creates epub file which contains this xml file which uses a custom format and not xhtml as you would expect. To get a epub file which can be used with most reader (a few programs on windows/mac/linux can read contexts output) you have to convert context xml file into valid xhtml. What you have to do as well in your document to get proper tagged paragraphs is to add \startparagraph and \stopparagraph at the begin and end of each paragraph, otherwise context adds AFAIR <br/> between them. Wolfgang