Renaud AUBIN a écrit :
Hi all,
I wanted to obtain to obtain an homogeneous formatting for my captions whenever I use \placefigure or \placefloatcaption within combination, so I've tried \setupcaption and \setupcaptions but ... Bug ? BTW, I need a quick solution for my PhD dissertation... so any suggestions are welcome. I've also tried \setupcombinations with various align values but failed to find a good solution... I use ConTeXt ver: 2006.09.07 17:50 MK II fmt: 2006.9.9
I've just digged out the Peter Münster's thread "[NTG-context] table-caption: centred or not??"... I quote Peter: "My goal: one-line captions centred, but multi-line captions justified normally." That's exactly what I want for all my captions (even when I use combination + placefloatcaption)... Is there a solution to this problem ? (I didn't see this "bug" (?) in the collector) Renaud