Dear all, these are quite general questions but here they come. I defined modular styles for an organisation so that we can use different layouts with the same look and feel but still have many options to change things in a special document. I have styles for colors, fonts which are used everywhere but also styles for heads that are only used in legal context and other heads-styles used in other contexts. This works brilliant. I can even overwrite styles for one document only. I'd like to name this a cascading approach. While doing this I learned a lot and changed the way the style files are organised from time to time. Currently I start with colors and fonts. Then comes the page dimension definitions, makeups, headers and footers, headlines, the toc styles, lists and tables. Does anyone has a similar approach with a strong opinion how to organise the cascade? While working on this I often found that I defined something twice, because I forgot to delete a setup-command in a newly structured file. Is there a way to test this? Can I grep for a warning in the log files to find these duplicates? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Jan Ulrich Hasecke -- Autoren-Homepage: ......... http://literatur.hasecke.com Satiren & Essays: ......... http://www.sudelbuch.de Privater Blog: ............ http://www.hasecke.eu Netzliteratur-Projekt: .... http://www.generationenprojekt.de