Dear List When using: mtxrun --script pattern --convert --path=./source --destination=./patterns with the file hyph-pt.tex v. 1.4 proposed by Leo Araujo and Aline Benevides, (see: https://github.com/hyphenation/tex-hyphen/pull/62/commits/79f4327c7c94c435cf...) I got the following message: … mtx-patterns | converting language pt, file hyph-pt mtx-patterns | using tex file hyph-pt.txt lua error : function call: ...t/tex/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/mtx-patterns.lua:331: bad argument #1 to 'for iterator' (table expected, got string) I tried also using the old version 1.3 and got the same message. How can this error be corrected? I'm using context version: 2024.06.21 23:45 Kind regards Marcus Vinicius -- Todas as coisas fatigam o corpo, salvo a música, que não fatiga nem o corpo nem seus membros, por ser descanso da alma, primavera do coração, distração do aflito, entretenimento do solitário, e viático do viajante. Kunnâsh al-Hâ'ik (Cancioneiro de al-Hâ'ik)