2007/10/10, Jean Magnan de Bornier
Hi all, Playing with right alignments this morning, I discovered that
\setupalign [left]
ipsum in elit
Duis placerat
nec augue
puts text *on the right*, while
\setupalign [right]
ipsum in elit
Duis placerat
nec augue
puts text *on the left*.
The \startalignment[left] and \startalignment[right] commands produce the same inversion. (The \rightaligned command works as expected)
............... 12:32 jean@boldair /home/jean % texexec --version TeXExec | version 6.2.0 - 1997-2006 - PRAGMA ADE/POD ...............
-- Jean
Hi Jean, the bevahiour from setupalign is normal and come from the \raggeright definition in plain TeX, it is fixed and can not be fixed beause of backward compatibility. The alignment commands on the other side are newer commands and fix this old behaviour, you run in this problem also with the align keys in the setups for many commands and environments. Wolfgang