TL;DR: See https://meeting.contextgarden.net/ for registration! Hi all, Registration for the next ConTeXt meeting is now open! 13th International ConTeXt Meeting ================================== The thirteenth ConTeXt meeting will take place in Bassenge, Belgium on September 16–21, 2019 You are cordially invited to join the 13th ConTeXt meeting. The meeting will host ConTeXt and LuaTeX developers and users and gives you the opportunity to present your results, experiences and ideas on future development. The talks will be followed-up by tutorials on different ConTeXt and LuaTeX techniques. Thematic context ================ The theme for this meeting is: dirty tricks & dangerous bends So we are particularly interested in submissions relating to either: • Sneaky ways to get ConTeXt to do exactly what you want, or • How to properly control ConTeXt is complicated environments The programme committee is Hans Hagen and Taco Hoekwater. Since not every dirty trick or dangerous bend is exciting enough to warrant a standalone presentation, we are also collecting small submissions separately that we will then combine into a single talk. Please email Hans or me with ideas. Social context ============== Registration opened today. We will be back in ’t Sjetootje in Bassenge-Boirs, the same location as the meetings in 2011 and 2014. There has been some remodelling (there is now an actual conference room with built-in wifi!) but the basic layout of the chateau has not changed so, as before, (single) rooms are very scarce. Note that the meeting starts on Monday evening and ends on Saturday morning. It is possible to stay on for another day (or even two, if you are OK with getting up early on Monday the 23rd). Arriving early is not possible, though. Jan (our previous host) is no longer attached to the chateau but a replacement has been found and there will still be special Belgian beers (and a marking list!). Calendric context ================= • May 1, 2019, beginning of registration • July 1, 2019, deadline for early bird payment • September 16-21, 2019, 13th ConTeXt Meeting See https://meeting.contextgarden.net/ for more details. Hope to see you there, Taco (your local organizer this year)