18 Oct
18 Oct
6:55 p.m.
Friday, October 18, 2002 Simon Pepping wrote: SP> This is without the outer grouping. I think the outer grouping is SP> necessary; when I use \start \stop commands I expect them to make a SP> group. Right indeed. SP> Could not you do without the if statement? SP> \def\dostartpart[#1]#2{% SP> \bgroup SP> \the\everybeforestartpart SP> \part[#1]{#2}% SP> \the\everyafterstartpart SP> } SP> \def\stoppart{\the\everystoppart\egroup} I'm not sure if this works. I've had problems with some arguments which behave differently depending on whether the argumet is not there or is empty, so I prefer to keep on the safe side. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta