Le 8 nov. 2013 à 18:47, Michael Ash a écrit :
Does anyone know how to change the command from "texexec" to "context" in emacs/AUCTeX?
I have that in my preference.el (I use aquamacs) : --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- (defun rol-context () (interactive) (save-current-buffer (save-buffer) (TeX-save-document "") (setq TeX-PDF-mode nil) (let ((nomdufichiersansextension (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name)))) (shell-command (format "context --autopdf %s.tex" nomdufichiersansextension)) (TeX-view)))) --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- I have bound this function rol-context to the key "F7", it works fine but it's definitely non optimal ! Regards, Roland (math teacher in a high school)