On 2/10/06, andrea valle
Dear all,
In the next weeks I will make some presentations in which I will use audio examples. An example. (it come from Hans, so it's not mine, but I love it) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setupinteraction [state=start,
\setupcolors [state=start] \startJSpreamble speech used now function SpeakToMe(str) { tts.qText(str) ; tts.talk() ; } \stopJSpreamble \starttext \startsetups[text] For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk. \stopsetups \startbuffer[text] For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk. \stopbuffer % Steve Hawkins Division Bell Pink Floyd \startTEXpage \button [width=fit,height=fit,align=middle,offset=1em, frame=off,foregroundcolor=middleblue, background=color,backgroundcolor=middleyellow] {\nohyphens \getbuffer[text]} [JS(SpeakToMe{{\directsetup{text}}}] \stopTEXpage \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5