Hi Alan,
On 30 Sep 2020, at 12:50, Alan Bowen
wrote: he page counter does not increase in the first iteration an PDf inclusion but seems to work properly after that. Have attached a sample file (69K) that will serve to show the problem—at least, on my machine.
It is not the iteration itself. Try with another pdf with more than 2 pages and you will see that it happens in the first page(s). The problem is that you are not giving ConTeXt a fair chance to update the page number, because a series of \vbox to \paperheight {}’s cannot cleanly be broken into separate pages. The solution is to use \dorecurse{\noffigurepages} {\vbox to \paperheight {\vskip-\dimexpr\headerheight+\headerdistance+\topspace\relax \hbox to \hsize {\hskip-\backspace \layeredtext[] [boffset=3pc] {\red\userpagenumber} {\externalfigure[HannahBW.pdf][page=#1]}% \hss}% \vss}\page } where the extra \page command allows ConTeXt to properly process the page breaks. Best wishes, Taco