I suppose that, as usual, I am missing something obvious or simple. However, AFAICS it hasn't been discussed recently and isn't mentioned on the XeTeX wiki pages, so... What is the procedure for invoking bibtex as part of a "XeConTeXt" process ? I can't get this to work. If I run: texexec --xtx myInputFile first, then texexec stops after generating the xdv. This *always* happens with any input file containing citations, but *never* for input files w/o citations. (I'm assuming that texexec expects bibtex processing before generating a pdf since the xdv is full of unknown refs ? ) The problem is that bibtex "can't read" the .aux file that is generated by xextex. (This is a general case for all of my test files, all of which run fine as vanilla LaTeX and ConTeXt variants (haven't tried XeLaTeX, but don't need it anyway).) I can't run bibtex on my input file first obviously. Do I need to do something (seemingly crazy) like this: 1. "context" 2. bibtex 3. [modify input file preamble] 4. "xecontext" Or maybe there is a custom bibtex command for such situations ? ? wtia, mark.