On Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 12:00 PM Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 13.04.24 um 22:28 schrieb Mikael Sundqvist:
What will work will depend on the viewers. We noticed a few weeks ago that synctex (pdf -> editor) was not working in a few viewers (okular) while it was working in others.
Could you please tell us which combinations of viewers and editors you checked and how to configure them to make it work?
I think you shall test them according to what they specify, that should work. I think at Hans' place sumatra worked already with state=start. Here we tried zathura, okular, they work. I think evince did not really work (maybe with some dbus thing, but we did not really try it out). For qpdfview, mupdf, sioyek and maybe some more I do not remember if it worked in the end. But also the viewers change, so at your place they might have different versions of the libraries, and ... a bit messy. I think one should try state=start, and if that is not working, try state=repeat. If that is not working either, I don't know. It was not so easy to understand the format and how it is supposed to work. /Mikael