Wolfgang Schuster
\usezipfile[\inputfilename.odt] \xmlprocess{main}{*/content.xml}{}
Thank you very much - very nice!
You could use this for the start but it behavious a little bit weird.
\def\switchfontstyle {\ifx\fontalternative\c!tf \it \else \ifx\fontalternative\c!bf \bi \else \it \fi\fi}
\xmlmapvalue {fo:font-style} {italic} {\switchfontstyle}
Hmm ... if I understand this correctly this is aimed at dealing with nested
bold/italic attributes?
While I'm certainly going to fall over this rather soon, I think the issue here
is that the following excerpt, where "T1" and "T2" correspond to bold and italic
definitions further up, is misinterpreted such that the opening "text:span" of
the "T1" section is taken for the beginning of the "T2" section instead and "T2"
is accordingly applied to the whole construct ...