Am Tue, 14 Jun 2011 21:29:44 +1200 schrieb Pontus Lurcock:
I have a full-page, landscape figure in my double-sided document which I rotate 90° to fit the page. In all the books I've seen, such figures are rotated ‘outward’ -- i.e. with the top towards the binding, so 90° clockwise on verso pages and 90° anticlockwise on recto.
I have seen this rotation too but I don't find them really good. If you have two such figures on a double page you will have to rotate the book by 180° to see them both. Also if you hold the book in your left hand and change the pages with the right hand it is more natural to turn the book clockwise to read something in landscape. So I would put everything with the top to the left side, and if you don't like this on left pages: Put landscape figures only on right pages. -- Ulrike Fischer