On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 12:41:14PM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
the integration of czech/slovak patterns in tex live is a mess, and among the reasons for problems you will find:
- files not in the right places (generic hyphen paths) - using non standard names (*hyphen where oithers use *hyph) - combined with a latex depency (in the *hyph ones)
in spite of what you may think, tex distributions are not upward compatible, and fonts and patterns are among the troublemakers.
In your case: locate [cont-usr or so] where context tries to load czhyph and replace that by czhyphen; same for sk* (so, contrary to other languages, czech/slovak had the pattersn in the *hyphen files); in your current setup something "t1code.tex" is loaded and i don't even want to think about what interference can come from that -)
Hello, just a comment. In TeXlive2003, czhyph.tex contains first \ifx\addlanguage\undefined \errmessage{This file can be used only in babelised formats!} \fi to test if the format is babelised. If the test succeeds it just reads czhyphen.tex. I asked Petr Olsak either to remove this stupid test from that file or to add a test for ConTeXt. We prepared a hack that I tried to propagate into TeXlive, but after asking several times on texlive mailing list I gave up. After reading a discussion on LaTeX Czech support (and its backwards compatibility) in the CSTUG mailing list, I like ConTeXt way of multilanguage support even more :-) The path of least resistence is probably to make cont-usr.tex to point directly to the actual position of czhyphen.tex directly :-(, sigh... Yours, D.A. -- Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.