metapost > initializing number mode 'scaled'
metapost > output file 'mpout.log', mode 'w', ftype 'log'
metapost > output file 'test2-mpgraph.mpd', mode 'w', ftype 0
metapost > output file 'test2-mpgraph.mpd', mode 'w', ftype 0
metapost > error: (/Users/quayjay/context/tex/texmf-context/metapost/context/base/mp-text.mpiv)
>> PageFraction
>> false
! Equation cannot be performed (numeric=boolean).
<to be read again>
<*> ...0pt; VSize:=597.51323pt; PageFraction:=0>1:
(1-1)/(0-1)else:1fi; defau...
! Extra tokens will be flushed.
<to be read again>
<*> ...0pt; VSize:=597.51323pt; PageFraction:=0>1:
(1-1)/(0-1)else:1fi; defau...
I have attached the complete log file and the source.
The error occurs, also, when the graphic is framed and put into a picture
I had deleted the standalone version and reinstalled with:
sh ./ --modules=all --engine=luatex
I have running a MacBook Pro 17" with OSX 10.8.3
I will also attach the result(test2.pdf) and the result from TexLive 2012(expected.pdf).