Kumar Appaiah schrieb am 03.11.2023 um 11:44:
Dear Friends,
I am a regular user of ConTeXt. A recent upgrade of ConTeXt in Debian broke things for me. The bug report is here:
but I have reproduced the gist here:
Upon upgrading to ConTeXt 2023.05.05.20230730+dfsg-2, several math features seem to break for me. Here is an example:
\starttext Hello world! \startformula X(f) = \startcases[align={right,left},distance=3pt] \NC T, \NC{} $|f| < \frac{1}{2T}$ \NR \NC 0, \NC{} $|f| \geq \frac{1}{2T}$ \NR \stopcases \stopformula \stoptext
There has been changes in the math alignment mechanism a while ago and the cases environment use math mode for a column entry when you use the \NC tag at the begin of a cell, to make your example working again remove the $ in the column. \starttext \startformula X(f) = \startcases \NC T, \NC |f| < \frac{1}{2T} \NR \NC 0, \NC |f| \geq \frac{1}{2T} \NR \stopcases \stopformula \stoptext To typeset the content of a column as text replace \NC with \TC at the begin of the cell. Wolfgang