Am 07.05.2023 um 16:38 schrieb Hans Hagen via ntg-context
The mtx-install-tikz is now mtx-install-modules, so
mtxrun --script install-modules
will show what to do. By looking at
mtxrun --script install-modules --list
The installer does not work for me. context % mtxrun --script install-modules mtx-install-modules | ConTeXt Module Installer 1.00 context % mtxrun --script install-modules --list mtx-install-modules | loading entries from file '/usr/local/texlive/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/modules/third/mtx-install-imp-modules.lua‘ Up to here everything is fine. But when I try to install I get: context % mtxrun --script install-modules --install --all mtx-install-modules | unknown subdirectory 'texmf-context‘ I have to context % cd tex After that the installer works fine. context % mtxrun --script install-modules --install --all mtx-install-modules | loading entries from file '/usr/local/texlive/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/modules/third/mtx-install-imp-modules.lua‘ … mtx-install-modules | installed: account algorithmic animation annotation aquamints bibmod-doc bnf chromato cmscbf cmttbf collating crossref cyrillicnumbers degrade enigma fancybreak filter french fullpage gantt gfsdidot gm gnuplot greek grph-downsample gs high inifile karnaugh layout letter letterspace lettrine lua-widow-control mathsets metaducks pocketdiary pret-c.lua rst rsteps simplebib simplefonts simpleslides stormfontsupport sudoku taspresent texshow tikz title transliterator typearea typescripts urwgaramond urwgothic vim visualcounter I’m on macOS 11.7 using zsh, but that shouldn’t matter. Greetings Axel