On 03 May 15, at 21:09, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 5/3/2015 6:58 PM, Thomas Floeren wrote:
Do I have to do anything special, in addition to \mainlanguage [bg] ?
In reply to my own question:
It seems I must add
\installlanguage [bg] [lefthyphenmin=2, righthyphenmin=2, patterns=bg, … …]
so what is the complete bulgarian setup then?
I guess you are asking for the complete *and correct* setup? So, I don’t know, I have no clue of Bulgarian; for the moment I’m using the settings from the other cyrillic languages (ru, uk) in lang-def.mkiv \installlanguage [bg] [lefthyphenmin=2, righthyphenmin=2, patterns=bg, spacing=packed, leftsentence=\leftguillemot, rightsentence=\rightguillemot, leftsubsentence=\lowerleftdoubleninequote, rightsubsentence=\upperrightdoubleninequote, leftquote=\lowerleftdoubleninequote, rightquote=\upperrightdoubleninequote, leftquotation=\leftguillemot, rightquotation=\rightguillemot, date={day,\space,month,\space,year}] I needed hyphenation in order to typeset the first revision of a translated book. I have to wait for feedback from the translator to tell if these settings are OK for bg. -- Tom