Felix schrieb am 24.09.2024 um 07:50:
\setuppapersize[letter][ letter ]
\setuplayout[ backspace=0.5in, topspace=0.0in, header=.5in, % No headers footer=.5in, % Space for the footer width=middle, height=middle, ]
None of the lines above are necessary to show the effect and can be removed from your example.
\startxtable[frame=off,topframe=on,bottomframe=on,option=fixed,width=1tw,align=middle,] \startxrow \startxcell {\tfa\setsmallcaps \startquotation Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude. \stopquotation - Ralph Marston } \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtable
inputting this code into ConTeXt LMTX 2024 will show you that text after \stopquotation will make - Ralph Marson go into a new line, but there is so much text on the sides beside the first line, that it makes me wonder why the 2nd line was even made. Did I do something wrong with my code?
The quotation environment is a block elements which can contain one or more paragraphs but the environment itself can't be part of a paragraph itself with the default setup. The right command here is \quotation which just adds quotation marks around its argument. There are also a few ways to improve your table: 1. Add \setupinterlinespace after the font switch to increase the vertical space for the larger text. 2. Remove the braces before and after \tfa because each table cell is a local group where font changes won't affect another cell. 3. Move the font changes to the foregroundstyle key to keep the cell free from unnecessary markup. 4. Use an \endash (or --) because the name after the quote and don't forget "\ " after \endash to ensure there is a space after the dash. %%%% begin example \starttext \startxtable[frame=off,topframe=on,bottomframe=on,width=1tw,align=middle] \startxrow \startxcell[foregroundstyle=\tfa\setupinterlinespace\setsmallcaps] \quotation {Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude.} \endash\ Ralph Marston \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtable \stoptext %%%% end example Wolfgang