Jean Magnan de Bornier wrote:
Hi all, There had been a thread about it in august, but it seems part of the problem is still there: words or sentences appearing in interaction are split: here is a minimal example:
This is caused by the macro \processisolatedwords that is not updated for MkIV yet. An extra \language=-1 is needed to fix this: \def\processisolatedwords#1#2% {\bgroup \fakecompoundhyphen \dontcomplain \forgetall \nopenalties \ifcase\isolatedwordsmode \def\processisolatedwords##1##2{##2{##1}}% we split only once \fi \global\let\localbetweenisolatedwords\betweenisolatedwords \setbox0\normalhbox {\language=-1 % needed for MkIV \ignorespaces#1% \global\isolatedlastskip\lastskip}% ..... Best wishes, Taco