Am 29.09.2012 um 22:11 schrieb Andre Caldas
Where should I put a module if I have the following project strucutre?
math-books/ math-books.tex environments/ layout.tex products/ book1.tex book1/ chapter1.tex chapter2.tex book2.tex book2/ chapter1.tex chapter2.tex
I have a "my_module.lua" and a "my_module.tex". Where should I put those files? How do I configure my project to use my module? How do I call my own module from "book1/chapter1.tex", for example?
You can load your module with \usemodule[…] from your environment file. It should also help when you put the environment file in the root directory of your project because when you have “\environment …” in your product or component files context ail search for it also two directories upwards. Wolfgang