Hi, I want a document with two columns; left column is poetry, so I want the lines to be numbered. Unfortunately, linenumbering doesn't appear to work in columns(ets), so my next attempt was to produce a third, very narrow column which displays the line numbers. However, columnsets with different columns is not implemented in mkiv, AFAICS. Examples: No line numbers: \setuppapersize[A4,landscape][A4,landscape] \setuplayout[grid=yes] \definecolumnset [numbered] [n=2] \setupcolumnset [numbered] [distance=0.5cm,frame=on] \starttext \startcolumnset [numbered] \startlinenumbering[step=1,location=text] Poetry One Word Per Line is Poetic \stoplinenumbering \column[local] Two \column[local] \stopcolumnset \stoptext Works only in mkii: \setuppapersize[A4,landscape][A4,landscape] \setuplayout[grid=yes] \definecolumnset [numbered] [n=2] \setupcolumnset [numbered] [distance=0.5cm,frame=on] \starttext \startcolumnset [numbered] \startlinenumbering[step=1,location=text] Poetry One Word Per Line is Poetic \stoplinenumbering \column[local] Two \column[local] \stopcolumnset \stoptext Any solution? All best Thomas