24 Jan
24 Jan
11 a.m.
At 10:57 17/01/2004, you wrote:
Hi all, I was under the (mistaken?) impression that "textbar" (for "|") was predefined somewhere in the distribution, but couldn't find anyhting. So I defined it myself in the preamble of my document: \define\textbar{\getglyph{Roman}{\char124}}
ok as long as you keep the font encoding in mind more font independent alternative: \define\textbar{\blackrule[width=1pt,height=1.5ex,depth=.5ex]}
and it seems to be working. Is this the proper way to do this?
or \definesymbol ... or use: \vl \textbrokenbar i'm not sure if \textbar is/should be in the encoding vectors ... Hans