On Tue, 14 Aug 2018 14:19:25 -0700
David Walther
On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 02:58:58PM -0600, Alan Braslau wrote:
On Tue, 14 Aug 2018 13:44:43 -0700 David Walther
wrote: I did page Page X of N, but in the output, it displays like Page 2of 3, Page 1of 3, etc. It ignores the space between the number and the word of.
You must have forgotten the trailing "\ " of "\userpagenumber\ ".
Thank you Alan. That worked. I didn't forget it; I never knew it. I'm starting to run into the area where the Wiki isn't enough, but I don't know enough TeX to read the Context source for the macros. What is recommended to get up to speed on Context? Should I go back and re-read Knuth's book on TeX then try reading ConTeXt source? Last time I read it was 20 years ago, and only got half way through; that was enough for my needs back then. I guess a week or two reading everything on this page would help too:
Now just need an answer for the blank page issue and I can start shipping these spreadsheets to clients.
TeX commands such as \userpagenumber "gobble" a trailing blank space, delimiting the end of the token name ("userpagenumber"). It can also be terminated by any non-token-name character or another token. So we generally write \userpagenumber\ . One could also write {\userpagenumber}, i.e. enclosing the TeX command within delimiters, and it is a question of taste what coding is more readable. \userpagenumber{} is also valid, yet I find this even less readable. You can learn much from emulation, paying attention to details, as Wolfgang had written \setupheadertexts [] [Page \userpagenumber\ of \lastuserpagenumber] [Page \userpagenumber\ of \lastuserpagenumber] [] One tricky point that might not be obvious, \setupheadertexts can take a varying number of arguments enclosed in []. The form above (4 groups of []), sets the left/right headertexts for even/odd pages. Whereas the single group instance \setupheadertexts [My Spreadsheet] sets the center text. Having three or five group versions gets unwieldy or ambiguous (the two group version sets left/right for singlesided layout), so having to make two "calls" to \setupheadertexts as above is cleaner, although was confusing to me at first. Alan