Dear Hans, Thank you for your code. I tested it using ConTeXt and LuaTeX, but I got following error. ******** (/Users/graph/ConTeXtBeta/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/pdfr- def.tex) (./test-lua.tuo) systems : begin file test-lua at line 2 ! Argument of \MyCircledNumber has an extra }. <inserted text> \par <to be read again> } \doattributes ...name #1#2\@EA \endcsname \fi {#4} \dostopattributes \dolistitem ...evel \c!style \c!color {\listitem } \fi \fi } \ifconditional \f... \complexdoitemgroupitem ...obreak \fi \dolistitem \relax \ifconditional \pac... <to be read again> t ... l.15 \dorecurse{20}{\item test \recurselevel} ? ******** However, I don't see any extra }. I just copy your code and run it. Thank you again Best regards, Dalyoung