On Sun, 6 Oct 2024, Gerion Entrup wrote:
I got exactly the same problems like with textbackground (see the stackexchange post for screenshots).
I had replied to you on stackexachange, but I think that the mailing list is a better place to discuss this, so I am following up here. Regarding the footnote, what is happening is that text-background extends to the "end of the page". This is from one of my old files where I had encountered a similar issue: %D By default, the textbackground extends till the page boundary. This does %D not look good if a page break occurs when there is not enough material to %D fit in the page. So, we want to limit textbackground till the typeset %D material. This has not been interfaced yet, so I use a low level \TEX\ %D command. \chardef\kindofpagetextareas\plusone Adding the same works in your example: \definetextbackground [leftbartext] [ location=paragraph, mp=mpos:region:leftbar, width=broad, frame=off, framecolor=darkgray, rulethickness=2ex, leftoffset=5ex, rightoffset=2.25ex, topoffset=2.25ex, bottomoffset=2.25ex, background=color, backgroundcolor=lightgray, ] \startuseMPgraphic{mpos:region:leftbar} draw_multi_pars; draw_multi_side; \stopuseMPgraphic \definecolor[lightblue] [0.95(blue,white)] \definetextbackground [blocktext] [leftbartext] [ framecolor=darkblue, backgroundcolor=lightblue, ] \definedescription [excursus] [ text={Excursus}, alternative=top, headstyle=bold, margin=1cm, width=broad, before={\startblocktext}, after={\stopblocktext}, ] \chardef\kindofpagetextareas\plusone \starttext \input ward \startexcursus[title={A Knuth extract}] \input knuth \stopexcursus \input ward \startexcursus[title={A much longer Knuth extract}] \input knuth Sometimes, sentences have footnotes\footnote{Some footnote}. \input knuth \input knuth \stopexcursus \stoptext Aditya