On 10/10/06, Alan Bowen
If this is OT, my apologies to all.
I am currently using ConTEXt to produce PDFs with a colored background which I specify using R G B settings. Unfortunately, this background does not look the same when others open the files on their computers. Is there anything I can do at my end to correct this?
There are well-known differences between various computer brands, and
individual PC's generally vary widely. If you need really good
agreement, then all the systems need to be viewed under similar light
conditions and calibrated (e.g., using a colorimeter, or at least the
GretagMacbeth ColorChecker, a printed chart) and you want to generate
PDF's with a specific colorspace (not just deviceRGB). For most
purposes, it seems to work to use a rough "sRGB" setting where you
adjust the monitor (brightness, contrast) to approximate gamma=2.2.
Check this with:
Many LCD's and worn-out CRT's like the ancient NCD on my desk will
fail even this simple test.
George N. White III