Csikos Bela írta:
I would like to setup page headers to be wider than the main text, that is hanging into the margin area on both sides by 1.5-1.5 cms. How can I?
Here is my code:
\setuppapersize[A4] \setuplayout[backspace=3.5cm, width=14cm] \setupheadertexts[] \setupheadertexts[\setups{text a}][] \startsetups[text a] \rlap{Left header text} \hfill {Middle header text} \hfill \llap{\pagenumber} \stopsetups \starttext \input tufte \stoptext
OK, I experimented with this and found how I can make the header hang: \setuppapersize[A4] \setuplayout[backspace=3.5cm,width=14cm] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided,location=] \setupheader[text][after=\hrule] \setupheadertexts[] \setupheadertexts[\setups{text a}][][\setups{text b}][] \startsetups[text a] \hskip-1.5cm \framed[frame=off,width=17cm,offset=none]{ \rlap{Inner text} \hfill {Center text} \hfill \llap{\pagenumber}} \stopsetups \startsetups[text b] \hskip-1.5cm \framed[frame=off,width=17cm,offset=none]{ \rlap{Outer text} \hfill {Center text} \hfill \llap{\pagenumber}} \stopsetups \starttext \dorecurse{4}{\input tufte \page} \stoptext I also added a bottom rule to the header using after=\hrule option, but this rule is not wide enough. How can I change the length of this rule to the same as the header frame? I attach a pdf (made by pdflatex) showing what I'd like to get. Thanks, bcsikos