On 4/12/22 12:16 AM Damien Thiriet via ntg-context wrote:
I am used to giving associative questions to my pupils, something like
* connect the author with its ideas
Friedrich Nietzsche * * "God is dead" Woody Allen * * "Nietzsche is dead, God is dead and I don't feel so good" God * * "Nietzsche is dead"
I design it as a two-cells xtable with itemized lists inside. How can I have the item mark on the right side?
If you are certain that the there will be no multi-line item (i.e. item text is short enough that it fits in slightly less than half of textwidth) you can use an enumeration, and put the contents inside a two-column layout: %%% start example-1 \define[1]\aitemcmd{\inframed[width=1cm,align=flushright,frame=off]{(#1)}} \defineenumeration [aitem] \setupenumeration [aitem] [text=, alternative=empty, headstyle=normal, width=fit, align=flushright, closesymbol={\getnumber[aitem]}, closecommand=\aitemcmd] \starttext \startcolumns[distance=1cm] \startitemize[n] \dorecurse{5}{ \startaitem whatever left \stopaitem } \stopitemize \startitemize[a][left=(,right=),stopper=,width=1cm] \dorecurse{5}{ \startitem whatever right \stopitem } \stopitemize \stopcolumns \stoptext %%% stop example-1 [You can tweak the alternative, align, closesymbol, closecommand to get exactly what you want; the example above will give a somewhat symmetric layout] More generally, if the text can multi-line, then I think TABLE (with proper alignment options) might be better-suited: %%% start example-2 \define\startItemize{ \bTABLE\setupTABLE[frame=on,align=lohi] \setupTABLE[2][distance=1cm,align={flushright,lohi}] \setupTABLE[2,3][width=0.05\textwidth] \setupTABLE[1][align=flushright,width=0.4\textwidth] \setupTABLE[4][align=flushleft,width=0.4\textwidth] } \define\stopItemize{\eTABLE} \define[1]\metI{\bTR \bTD #1 \eTD \bTD (\character{\currentTABLErow}) \eTD} \define[1]\Item{\bTD (\currentTABLErow) \eTD \bTD #1 \eTD \eTR} \starttext \startItemize \dorecurse{5}{ \metI {whatever here on the left} \Item {whatever here on the right} } \stopItemize \stoptext %%% stop example-2 Best, Sreeram