On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 10:43 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Thu, 11 Jun 2015, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Thu, 11 Jun 2015, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
I would like to ask for help for either finding a fix or some clever workaround for the following problem.
If I use a TikZ picture as item symbol and additionally use background text, then the first symbol in itemize environment gets covered by the background. Here's an example:
Workaround (though I have no idea why this should work).
While it works in the sense that it gives a consistent look, it doesn't really lead to the desired result, at least not for me. The reason for using background colour in my case was to make text "visible" on a dark background photo. It doesn't really help if the main text gets hidden behind the semi-transparent layer.
I have no idea what tikz is doing:
\definecolor[light][s=1,a=1,t=0.1] \definecolor[dark] [s=1,a=1,t=0.95]
\defineframedtext[normal] [width=4cm, background=color] \defineframedtext[reverse][width=4cm, background={foreground,color}]
\startbuffer \tikz\fill[color=blue] (0,0) circle (.2cm); \startMPcode fill fullcircle scaled (.4cm) withcolor \MPcolor{blue}; \stopMPcode \stopbuffer
\startnormal[backgroundcolor=light] \getbuffer \stopnormal \startnormal[backgroundcolor=dark] \getbuffer \stopnormal
\startreverse[backgroundcolor=light] \getbuffer \stopreverse \startreverse[backgroundcolor=dark] \getbuffer \stopreverse \stoptext
It's even more weird than that. The colour of the first item behind the "dark" depends on the colour of "light": \usemodule[tikz] \definecolor[extralight][s=1,a=1,t=0.1] \definecolor[light][s=1,a=1,t=0.6] \definecolor[dark] [s=1,a=1,t=0.95] \defineframedtext[normal] [width=6cm, background=color] \defineframedtext[reverse][width=6cm, background={foreground,color}] \startbuffer \tikz\fill[color=blue] (0,0) circle (.2cm);% \startMPcode fill fullcircle scaled (.4cm) withcolor \MPcolor{blue}; \stopMPcode \tikz\fill[color=blue] (0,0) circle (.2cm); \stopbuffer \starttext \startnormal[backgroundcolor=light] \getbuffer \stopnormal \startnormal[backgroundcolor=dark] \getbuffer \stopnormal \blank[2*line] \startreverse[backgroundcolor=light] \getbuffer \stopreverse \startreverse[backgroundcolor=dark] \getbuffer different \stopreverse \blank[2*line] \startreverse[backgroundcolor=extralight] \getbuffer \stopreverse \startreverse[backgroundcolor=dark] \getbuffer from this one \stopreverse \stoptext Mojca