That's certainly tighter, thank you, Alan.
Would making the conditional part of the API be useful to others?
On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 3:42 PM Alan Braslau
On Fri, 14 Oct 2022 11:59:49 -0700 Thangalin
wrote: I don't think an atantwo is needed. I *thought* I had read somewhere that atan( y, x ) was equivalent to calling atan2 in Lua. Ensuring there's no breakage when x == y would be nice, though. It was a little surprising to see angle return degrees rather than radians, but it does simplify my code:
dc := vbc - vac; dr := vbr - var; vi := 0;
if not( dc == dr ): vi := round( angle( dc, dr ) / 60 ); fi;
% Compute the direction towards the first segment (to vertex of an edge). vangle := vi * 60 * pi / 180;
Even simpler would be:
dc := vbc - vac; dr := vbr - var; vi := round( angle( dc, dr ) / 60 ); % returns 0 when dc == dr
% Compute the direction towards the first segment (to vertex of an edge). vangle := vi * 60 * pi / 180;
Or accepting a third argument as the return value in the special case:
vi := round( angle( dc, dr, 0 ) / 60 ); % returns 0 when dc == dr
vi := if (dc = dr) : 0 else : round (angle(dc,dr)/60) fi ;