Hi Aditya, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
1/ I would like to use a named formula with a reference containing several subformulae each with a reference. The closer I can get to is to add an empty namedformula followed by subformulae (see test file below). How can I get rid of the empty line with a number in the pdf ?
I took a different approach to this. I had written some macros that do automatic subformula numbering, and I added a macro there to do have a named subformulas. See the code at the end. Works very well thank you. Can I add this to the wiki ?
5/ I do like a lot the minimum distribution so easy to install. It would be even better if bibtex can be added. It's only 82.8 KiB
bibtex is part of the minimal distribution for windows. It is in texmf-mswin/bin/ It's not in texmf-linux for the stable release.
Thank you for your help. Regards, Sebastian