19 Jan
19 Jan
11:30 a.m.
Hi Hans, On 19 Jan 2006, at 10:43, Hans Hagen wrote:
can you test with:
\unexpanded\def\unicodeglyph#1#2% watch the double mapping {\begingroup \getvalue{@@\currentucharmapping\strippedcsname\uchar}{#1}{#2}% \bodyfontsize\unicodescale\bodyfontsize \font\unicodefont=\truefontname{\unicodestyle\unicodeone} at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize \unicodestrut \unicodefont\unicodecharcommand{\char\unicodetwo\relax}% \endgroup}
i'll change the handlers in not applying a strut by default
This seems to do the trick. The bold glyphs look fine. There is however one oddity in italics with the circumflex and caron on capitals and the macron in general. They are so vague that they are hardly visible. Sjoerd