On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Zunbeltz wrote:
I'm trying to do a scientific poster in latex and i've some problem. now i want to try it in context.
Hello, I've done it in LaTeX, worked very well, these were my first lines: \documentclass[portrait,a0]{a0poster} \usepackage{multicol,pstricks,textpos} Should work with ConTeXt also without much problems.
I need two things 1) set a backgroud for the paper (A0 size) with gradient color
You can make the gradient at least with MetaFun or PStricks. Making backgrounds is easy with ConTeXt, see for example the mail about "draft stamp" 3 weeks ago.
2) Deal with textblocks (like the textpos package of latex). This package makes a grid (dont printing it), for example 16x25 part (width and height). And then you can say \begin{textblock}{2}(0,3) .. \end{textbloc}
Should be possible with \position. Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/ _____________________________________ FilmSearch engine: http://f-s.sf.net/