On Thursday 24 April 2003 02:36, Hans Hagen wrote:
Jonh C wants to know how to open a doc in specific modes:
\setupinteraction[openaction={firstpage,FitHeight},state=start] % or FitWidth
\input tufte
I am returning to this project, and this problem, after several months. I want to open a document in Acrobat Reader with no menu bar, thumbnails etc. and at its natural size. In the "PdfTeX Manual' this is described as /PageMode /UseNone or /PageMode /FullScreen but such pdf primitives are deprecated in Context. So now I need a way to do it in Context. I know it can be done because Hans has provided pdf files that have no menu bar nor thumbnails/outline etc. show-dem.pdf is an early example. -- John Culleton Able Indexers and Typesetters http://wexfordpress.com ____________________________________________________________ Free 20MB Web Site Hosting and Personalized E-mail Service! Get It Now At Doteasy.com http://www.doteasy.com/et/