On 26 Feb 2023, at 5:36, Max Chernoff via ntg-context wrote:
I'd recommend completely ignoring the interface i-*.xml files. They don't do anything particularly useful for a third-party module.
It's good to know there's no dependency there (but I do like to keep things updated :) ).
This line is your issue. Inside \unprotect...\protect, "!" is treated as a letter, so you're trying to expand the value of the macro "\c!skipheader". The problem is that that macro isn't defined anywhere.
A ha! Many thanks; I've gotten it working, along with this hint:
skipheader=\v!no, % <-- HERE
...so I think I'm okay. (I don't mind doing the translations, but that's probably outside the scope of this project.)
Backing up a little further, the \c!... commands are all string *C*onstants. If you see a command with a name like \c!blah, it almost certain expands to exactly the string "blah". Why is this useful? Well, if you run ConTeXt in another language, then the \c!... commands will instead contain that string but in the other language. So something like \c!left would be "left" in English, "gauche" in French, "links" in German, "vlevo" in Czech, etc.
This, too, was useful - as per the Scratch Variables page in the System Macros section of the garden (https://wiki.contextgarden.net/System_Macros/Scratch_Variables) I've updated my tree-sitter parser (https://github.com/pmazaitis/tree-sitter-context_en) to put these in the parse tree; I don't know how useful that is, but it seems to me that being able to call these out might help.
As a more general suggestion, it is usually a really bad idea to modify the standard ConTeXt files since any changes will be overwritten on updates. Probably the best solution is to make a new file called "t-xdatabase.mkiv" stored in your texmf-local/, start the file with "\usemodule[database]" then add any changes after that. Or, just copy and paste the original file into your new file. (Maybe you were doing this already though)
Oh! Indeed: my working ConTeXt environment is under version control; experimental nonsense like this gets safely tucked away in a branch (my thinking is that I want to try to change as few new variables as possible - still learning!).
Hope this helps,
Absolutely; many thanks!
-- Max