On 11 Jul 2014, at 21:50, Hans Hagen
[…] you can just hit return then ... for some reason manfnt is not in the distribution
However the plain TeX format from the standalone does not produce anything with the following minimal example: %%% begin test-plaintex.tex This is intended to test Plain \TeX\ from the ConTeXt stand-alone. An elementary identity: $(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2$. And a well-known identity due to Leonhard Euler in which the five most important numbers appear: $$ {\rm e}^{{\rm i}\pi} + 1 = 0, \qquad \hbox{where }\; {\rm i} := \sqrt{-1}. $$ \bye %%% end test-plaintex.tex Saying in the Terminal: mtxrun --script plain basic-plaintex.tex results in mtx-plain | running command 'luatex --fmt=luatex-plain "basic-plaintex.tex »’ This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.79.1 (TeX Live 2014/dev) (rev 4972) \write18 enabled. What is going on? (The above file typsets without problem with Plain TeX from TeX Live 2014). Best regards: OK