21 May
21 May
4:32 p.m.
Can it be that in the beta version 2011.05.01, the behaviour of \definereferenceformat changed? I used to define: \definereferenceformat [ineqn] [left=(,right=),text=equation] and get e.g. "equation (1)", but now all it produces "(equation 1)". Is it supposed to behave that way? Do I have to use something like \definereferenceformat [ineqn] [right={)},text={equation (}] to get what I want, or is there something better? Example: \definereferenceformat [ineqn] [left=(,right=),text=equation] \starttext Here in \ineqn[eq1]. \placeformula[eq1] \startformula a^2+b^2=c^2 \stopformula \stoptext Julian. -- "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for it is the wellspring of life."