On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 20:34:03 +0100
Gerhard Kugler
On Thu, Dec 28, 2006 at 01:58:02PM +0100, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
you can keep text togehther by putting them into a vbox and it will move to the next page if it will not fit on the current page.
Thank you Wolfgang,
this will be an important possibility. Where is the best documentation about vbox?
Can can find the explanations from vboc in the TeXbook, there is also a german book about plain TeX available. It is out of print and can be downloaded from the following page: http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/www-rz/schwanbs/TeX/
There are to many ways how you defined your example, you can find one way below. The important things are saved into the before and after commands in the defintion.
<example> \defineenumeration
Why "enumeration"? The exercises are not numbered.
It was only an example to show you the use of the before and after parameters. There are to many ways in ConTeXt to define an example environment, you can do it in the following ways: - \defineframedtext - \defineenumeration - \definedescription - ... You could also defined you own macros: \def\startexample#1\stopexample{...} or used only a header like \subject{Example} You can see, there are so many ways too achieve one thing and im couldn't know which way you have choosen. If you want unnumbered examples with enumeration you can disable the number with \setupenumeration[number=no] . Wolfgang