Following this thread and making the modifications suggested by Hans I had expected the following metapost graph to work but there is a problem with fonts. Even though in context cont-sys.tex is executed giving ec as the default encoding in the metapost case it has defaulted to 8t in the encoding extension. I tried \unprotect \setupencoding [\s!default=ec] \protect Before \setupbodyfont with no effect
\startMPenvironment \setupencoding[default=ec] etc etc \stopMPenvironment
is the way to go
Thanks Hans I think that you may have missed the point. I was wanting to arrange the fonts in the metapost output from a metapost file to be from the pos set. The file below is a minimum one which works nicely showing times, helvetica, and courier fonts. New Berry problem. One of the problems that made this more difficult to fault find was that the berry (ec) encoding seems to have stopped working properly in the 23/10/2002 release. I have had to change to texnansi to get my previous files to compile properly. -- Nigel input metafun ; verbatimtex \setupencoding [default=texnansi] \setupbodyfont [pos,rm,11pt] \def\f#1{\framed[frame=off,align=middle]{#1}} \starttext etex prologues:=2; beginfig(1); label(btex \f{times\\\ss helvetica\\\tt courier} etex,origin); endfig; verbatimtex \stoptext etex end endinput