Am Wed, 10 Dec 2008 13:28:51 +0100 schrieb Yu Yi:
hi, I'm thinking now whether change from latex to context. As I know, both latex and context support the chinese language, but like in Latex, there is a problem with generated PDF, that is, the chinese words can not be copied and pasted correctly as the english words, how about this function in context?
This is not so much a question of the format (LaTeX or context) but of the underlying engines and the fonts. E.g. dvidpfmx seems to do it fine, but pdftex needs special map files: http://www.mail-archive.com/cjk@ffii.org/msg00221.html The unicode orientated engines xetex (with latex or context) or luatex (for which adequate support exists currently only in context) will probably work out of the box. -- Ulrike Fischer